Stefanos Gandolfo, Chinese Philosophy and International Politics in East Asia

Wednesday 23 October 2024

17:00 - 19:00

IDIS Conference Hall (Hill 3-5, Plaka)

We invite you to the lecture of Dr. Stefanos Gandolfo, Director of the Athens Columbia Global Center, on:

Chinese Philosophy and International Politics in East Asia

This presentation aims to provide an introductory overview the intricate relationship between Chinese philosophy and international politics in East Asia, tracing its evolution from pre-modern times to the 20th century. We will explore how foundational philosophical tenets have shaped the diplomatic practices, statecraft, and international relations of East Asian societies. In pre-modern times, these philosophical frameworks facilitated the development of tributary relations and cultural exchanges, creating a unique regional order that contrasted with Western paradigms of state sovereignty.

Furthermore, the presentation will address the dramatic impact of Western philosophical thought during the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly during periods of colonialism and modernization, focusing on how Chinese intellectuals grappled with Western ideas such as democracy, nationalism, and international law, and how this lead to a reconfiguration of traditional practices and an emergence of new political ideologies. Additionally, we will investigate the role of different structures of knowledge organization and how these frameworks underpin distinct epistemological orders in East Asia and Euro-America and why this matters in the 21st century.

By juxtaposing Chinese philosophical traditions with Western influences and contrasting their underlying epistemological structures, this presentation aims to elucidate the enduring legacy of these interactions on contemporary East Asian international relations and the ongoing discourse surrounding identity, power, and ethics in the region.

Wednesday 23 October 2024 (5:00 p.m.), IDIS Conference Hall (Hill 3-5, Plaka)

The event, which is part of the IIS Chinese Programme, is co-organized with the Department of International, European and Regional Studies and the Department of Political Science and History of Panteion University, as part of the series of seminars on: Philosophy and International Politics.

To register for participation: Please send an email until Monday Tuesday 22 October 2024 to [email protected]
All participants who wish to receive a certificate of attendance, they can do so after the seminar

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