A. Mandarin Courses

IDIS Headquarters

Mandarin Lessons
An essential tool for students to understand China is familiarity with Mandarin. In October 2023, we launched a Chinese language course for students at Panteion University, while the academic year 2024-25 we will also begin a new beginner’s course.
Β. Summer School

Course Structure

Olympia Summer Academy

Olympia Summer Academy 2024
Within the framework of the Olympia Summer Academy, the China program organizes a cycle on China. Instructors from internationally renowned universities from both sides of the Atlantic are invited to deliver lectures on topics related to contemporary history, society, politics, and international relations of China. This summer school is unique in Greece and one of the few of its kind in Europe.
C. Support of Undergraduate Courses

Garden of Panteion University

Library of Panteion University
Our program supports undergraduate courses related to China, which are taught in the Department of International, European and Area Studies at Panteion University.
China: State, Society, and Governance, Semester VI (120486)
The course “China: State, Society & Governance” is an introduction to the study of the complex phenomenon of governance in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Students examine state institutions, political processes, as well as the innovations introduced by the Chinese Communist Party from 1978 to the present, aiming to transform it into an authoritarian technocratic regime.
International Relations of East Asia, Semester VIII (120511)
The purpose of the course is to: a) familiarize students with the central characteristics of traditional China both domestically and in its external relations, b) examine the collapse of traditional China due to external pressures from Western powers and Japan, and c) examine China’s efforts to respond to the challenges of modernity from the 1911 Revolution to the present day.